
this program allows to interactively create texts based on the “words“.
the user of the program can use the “words” as raw material, by selecting terms from the “words” collection, which in turn are used to form random texts.

1. selecting words
2. removing selected words
3. determine number of sentences
4. add your own words
5. generate text
6. print text

1. selecting words
click on a,b,c,…select term from list.
the selected words are listed in the filed titled “selected words“ on the right hand side.

2. remove selected words
to remove a words listed in “selected words” select the word again in the word lists.

3. determine number of sentences
the input field titled “sentences” allows to determine the number of sentences in the generated text. the value must be in the range 1-99.

4. add your own words

this function allows to add terms, which are not contained in the „words“ collection. Words added with this function will be integrated in the list just like words selected from the lists.

click on -> noun: enter singular and plural
click on -> verb: enter base form, 3rd person, -ing form and -ed form
click on -> adjective: enter adjective and adverb form
if a certain form is not available enter ‘-‘.

"add" -> the word is added to the list of “selected words”. words entered by the user are marked with a ‘+’.
if desired additional words can be entered.

5. generate text
click on “generate text”.
the generated text appears in a new browser window.
By clicking on the “generate text” button again a new text will be generated with the selected words.

6. print text